Please reach out to us here if you can't find an answer to your question.
We're thrilled that you're interested in bringing your comedy talent to our network. To find out how you can be part of Podomedy, click here.
That's a big fat yes. We've helped launch a ton of podcasts for all sorts of people, including comedians, performers and people looking to improve their personal brand. We offer advice on how to get started, including what kit you might want to invest in, based on your goals. Get in touch to know more.
Absolutely. There are over 21 million podcast listeners in the UK alone. That's the equivalent of one per British household. And with word of mouth being the most common form of podcast discovery, it's easy to see why this form of communication grew so rapidly in 2020 and continues at pace today.
Our purpose is to help comedians grow their audience and monetise their content, whilst giving podcast listeners more of what they love by taking the pain out of the discovery process. Podomedy is like having a trusted podcast, marketing, PR, social media and content experts in your corner, whenever you need them.
Podomedy is a podcast comedy network hosted on Acast. Shows that are promoted under our umbrella can be enjoyed on all major platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, Pocket Casts, and Castbox. Creators receive their own promotional page at where audiences can listen to every episode via their computer or mobile device. Podcasts on our network also receive their own free RSS feed.
Advertising and sponsorships will often be handled through our platform provider, Acast. However, we do still have opportunities of this nature across the network and for individual shows. Talk to us right away via email. Get in touch.
A lot of companies wouldn't put this question in their FAQs because they prefer to sell the sizzle rather than the sausage. The honest answer is, there's no limit to how much a creator can earn with Podomedy. Equally, its not always about achieving big numbers. If your content is chiming with your target audience, you might just be what a client is looking for.
Overall, a lot will depend on multiple factors that influence a shows popularity and audience engagement potential across social platforms, but we cover all of this in your free introductory call. Book yours today.
We don't charge creators a penny to be part of our network. We want to amplify great content, and have everyone feel rewarded for doing what they love. Aside from the typical equipment costs associated with a podcast, a creator can spend as little or as much as they like to create and promote their best work. Podomedy does offer content creation support for a fee, a bit like an agency. In this instance, we'll always work to get the best deal for creators and freelance pros alike. We can aslo negotiate on pricing for any third-party apps, services, and software you may be using or are interested in, to help save money.
Podomedy does not own the rights to, and is not responsible for, any content on our network. What or who people may or may not find funny is entirely subjective. However, we do take issues such as safeguarding seriously and ask creators to comply with the law and acts of parliament, such as The Equality Act. However, if you feel material has fallen below acceptable standards, or you wish to raise a concern about any output across the Podomedy network, including commercial partners, please email us in confidence. Try to include as much detail as you can so we can address your enquiry as quickly as possible.
Podomedy is an independent media production company committed to fostering greater equality in the audio industry. We are signatories of the Equality in Audio Pact (AEP) that works to improve DE&I in this sector. Find out more.
Read our Equality & Diversity policy here.
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